
The Institute for Ethics and Public Affairs prioritizes research, artistic engagement, public discussion in the following three areas: 

Environmental Ethics

Research into the global and intergenerational scope of relationships, justice, rights, and responsibilities to both human and more-than-human environments; especially as related to the understanding of myriad cultural worldviews and uneven historical responsibilities for environmental degradation and climate crisis.


Research into moral problems arising from or having implications for the life sciences; especially in as far as our daily lives are impacted by medical practice and health policy or even transformed by emerging biomedical technology.  Particularly focusing on how medical professionals and policy makers can promote human agency, well-being, and justice in the imperfect contexts of the real world. 

Equity and Social Justice

Research into the fight for equality and the resistance to inequality globally, especially in relation to the historical and continuing ills of racial capitalism, imperialism, colonialism, ableism, and systematic gendered violence. With a marked emphasis on how the above listed ills impact sovereignty, governance, and free/fair democratic decision-making.